Standard 2: A Safe and Healthy Environment (Disease)

Below is a lesson on Communicable Diseases which include the health problems that can occur throughout life and the various ways to prevent them.

10.1.6.E – Identify health problems that can occur throughout life and describe ways to prevent them.
·         Diseases (Cancer, diabetes, STDs, Heart Disease)

                The student will compile facts on communicable diseases.

                The student will share his/her experience with a communicable disease.

I.  Disease – An illness that affects the proper functioning of the body or mind.
A.  Communicable disease – spread from person to person
II. Common Communicable Diseases
A. Cold – begin unexpectedly with a sore throat, nasal drainage, sneezing, a tired feeling, a low fever, and sometimes a cough. 
i. Colds may last for weeks, with a cough lingering, and mucus becoming darker.
ii. symptoms usually start between one and three days after you are infected by a cold virus.
iii. Contagious during the first three days
B. Chicken Pox – common illness that cause an itchy rash, and red spots or blisters all over the body. 
i. Most common in children
ii. Most people will get chicken pox in their life, if they do not receive the chicken pox vaccine.
iii. Not a problem for healthy children, but can cause problems for pregnant women,
newborns, teens, and adults who have immune system problems.
iv. After you have the chicken pox, you are not likely to get them again.
v. Spread very easily by someone infected who, sneezes, coughs, shares food or drinks.
vi. Spread before the person even shows symptoms, and 2-3 days before rash appears.
vii. Symptoms:
        1. fever
        2. headache
        3. sore throat
        4. decrease in appetite
viii. Takes 14-16 days to get the symptoms of the chicken pox, after being around someone
with the virus
ix. Stages of chicken pox – blistering, bursting, drying, and crusting over.  New red spots           appear every day for 5-7 days.
x. May go back to school or work when all blisters have crusted over.  Usually takes                                     about 10 days after the symptoms first start.
xi. Treatment – take medicines to reduce fever, rest, and soak in an oatmeal bath, and                             use calamine lotion.
C. Influenza – an extremely contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza A or B viruses.  Flu appears most frequently in winter and early spring. The flu virus attacks the body by spreading through the upper and/or lower respiratory tract.
i. Symptoms – high fever, severe aches and pains, generalized weakness, warm flushed                           skin, watery eyes, headache, dry cough, feeling fatigue, and sore throat,
ii. treatment depends on the symptoms you are feeling.  If congested take a                                                  decongestant like Sudafed, if coughing buy any over the counter cough medicine like    Dimetapp. 
D. Pneumonia – A lung infection that can make you very sick.
i. Pneumonia usually starts when you breathe the germs into your lungs. You may be                 more     likely to get the disease after having a cold or the flu. These illnesses make it hard for         your lungs to fight infection, so it is easier to get pneumonia. Having a long-term, or chronic, disease like asthma, heart disease, cancer, or diabetes also makes you more likely to get pneumonia.
ii. Symptoms
        1. Cough with mucus
        2. Fever
        3. Fast breathing, shortness of breath
        4. Shaking and “teeth” chattering
        5. Chest pain, feeling worse when coughing
        6. Fast heart beat
        7. Feeling very tired, or very weak
        8. Nausea or vomiting
        9. Diarrhea
iii. Diagnosed by having a chest X Ray, or a blood test performed.
iv. Treatment – take the antibiotic the doctor prescribes for the entire time.  Get enough rest,              and sleep, and drink plenty of liquids
E. STD’s – Sexually Transmitted Diseases or sexually transmitted infections
i. STDs are sexually transmitted diseases. This means they are most often — but not exclusively — spread by sexual intercourse. AIDS, chlamydia, genital herpes, genital     warts, gonorrhea, some forms of hepatitis, syphilis and trichomoniasis are STDs.
ii. STDs are serious illnesses that require treatment.
iii. Symptoms
            1. Rash, blisters, soars, lumps, or bumps
            2. Weight loss, night sweats
            3. Headache
            4. Fever
iv. Treatment – You must see a doctor.  Do not try to treat on your own.
            1. Some may be cured with an antibiotic.
            2. Some STD’s do not have any treatment.

Introductory: (7 minutes)
Welcome the class. Take attendance.  At The Bell question, “Please write down in your own words, the definition for disease.” Hand back any student work during this time, and set up the stations for the lesson.  Ask students who would like to share their definitions.  Inform students that today they are going to work in groups, moving around from station to station   learning about different diseases. 
Developmental: (35 minutes)
Start class by telling the students the definition of disease – an illness that affects the proper functioning of the body or mind.  Ask students if they know the two different types of diseases they are going to learn about.  Communicable and Non Communicable.  Communicable diseases are spread from person to person.  Inform students that today they are going to go around the classroom and write down information on 5 communicable diseases on a fact sheet that you will be handing out.  The students will be grouped by where they are seated in the classroom.  There will be 6 people in a group.  They will have 5 minutes at each station to write down what the disease is, symptoms, and treatment.  If finished early at the station, the students may share a story about a time they had that disease.  Remind students to stay on topic and that they should be writing down this important information at each station.  After everyone is able to go through the stations, the students will then return to their desks and discuss their findings.  Ask students to share any experiences they might have had with the disease.  After going over the 5 communicable diseases, collect the student’s information sheets.
Culminating: (2 minutes)
At the end of class, ask students to share with the person sitting next to them one disease they learned about including the symptoms and treatments.  After students are finished they may collect their belongings and wait for the bell to ring.  Let students know that they will be doing the same thing tomorrow but learning about different diseases. 

·   Communicable Disease Fact Sheet

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