Standard 2: A Safe and Healthy Environment (Tobacco)

This is one of my favorite lessons that I was able to create and teach.  It was also a favorite of the students that were in the class and were able to perform the experiments.

10.2.9.B – Analyze the relationship between health – related information and adolescent consumer choices
·         Tobacco products

                The student will examine facts on tobacco.
                The student will examine effects of tobacco.
                The student will manipulate the effects of tobacco on the body.
I.  Tobacco
A. What is tobacco?
i.  a powerful drug which comes from the leaves of the tobacco plant.
ii. The leaves of the plant are dried, aged for two or three years, and then used to make cigarettes,            cigars, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, and snuff.
iii. Facts
    1. Changes the chemistry of the brain
    2. About 50 million people in the US smoke tobacco on a regular basis
II.  Chemicals in Tobacco
A. Nicotine – an addictive drug that is found in all tobacco products.
i. Affects smokers brain in the same way as heroin or cocaine
ii. The tobacco user constantly craves more nicotine
iii. Nicotine makes the user feel more relaxed and more alert
B. Tar – a dark, thick, sticky liquid that forms when tobacco burns
i. Several substances in tar are known as carcinogens (cause cancer)
ii. Poison contained in tar and tobacco are arsenic, benzene, formaldehyde, and hydrogen cyanide.
iii. Tar can cause cancer, emphysema, and other diseases.
C. Carbon Monoxide – is a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas that is produced when tobacco is          burned.
i. Passes through the lungs and into the bloodstream.
ii. Reduces the amount of oxygen the blood cells can carry.
III. Facts and effects of tobacco
            1. Irritates the eyes
            2. Finger nails become stained
            3. Lungs receive less oxygen
            4. Stains your teeth
            5. Breath smells
            6. Can cause mouth or throat cancer
            7. Is addictive
            8. Affects your vision
            9. Males smoke more than females
            10. Tar contains over 4,000 chemicals
            11. Deadliest products sold in America
            12. Your clothes smell like tobacco

Introductory: (5 minutes)
Welcome the class. Take attendance.  At The Bell question, refer to attachment.  Hand back any student work during this time.  Go over at the bell question, and ask students who would like to share their answers.                   
Developmental: (35 minutes)
Start the lesson by informing students they will be moving around the classroom in groups today going to different stations.  Go over the stations with the students and what they are going to do at each. 
                Station #1 – Simulated Blood Vessel Restriction/Heart Rate Increases
·         One child pumps the bicycle pump. Another child tightens the C-clamp on the pump hose. As the clamp tightens, it will get harder to pump. A third child continually tells the first child to “pump faster.”
                Station #2 – Simulated Blood Vessel Restriction
·         Fill all six glasses with equal amounts of water. Put the large diameter straws in three of the glasses. Put three very small diameter straws in the other three glasses. On the word “GO,” have six children begin to drink as fast as they can (as if it were a race). Time them using the stopwatch.
                Station #3 – Obstructive Properties of Tar
·         Place the funnel in the jar. Line the funnel with filter paper, and pour in the water. Note how quickly it flows through. Remove the wet paper.
·         Coat another piece of filter paper with molasses or other tar-like substance and place it in the funnel. Pour water into the filter, noting how slowly the water flows through the coated paper.
                Station #4 – Oxygen/Carbon Monoxide Simulation
·         Place the coffee grounds in the bottle of water and shake it up. The coffee colors the water very slowly. This represents oxygen in the blood.
·         Now add one drop of food coloring to the same bottle. Note how quickly it colors the water. This represents CO as it enters the blood.
                Station #5 – Showing how nicotine is poisonous
·         Put two cigarettes in a jar of water.  The nicotine will dissolve in the water and make it poisonous.
                Station #6 – Memory Game
·         Students will see how many matches they are able to get about facts and effects of tobacco by flipping over playing cards. 
After going over the stations, the teacher will split the groups up into groups of 4 and 5.  Teacher will then send students to their station and let students know when they are able to start.  After about 2 – 3 minutes at the station the teacher will then have students rotate around the classroom to a new station.  After going to all stations students will sit back down in their seats and discuss as a class what they discovered at each station. 
Culminating: (2 minutes)
End class by asking students to write on a separate sheet of paper how the body is affected by tobacco.  When the students are done they will hand in their answers and wait for the bell to ring. 

·   How the body is affected by tobacco


·   Overhead projector
·   Small C-clamp
·   Bicycle pump
·   6 or more plastic or styrofoam cups
·   3 or more large diameter straws
·   3 or more very small diameter straws (such as plastic coffee stirrers)
·   Water
·   coffee filters
·   Funnel
·   Beaker or jar
·   Black strap molasses or other tar-like substance
·   About ½ tsp. of coffee grounds
·   Food coloring (blue or green is best)
·   Eye dropper or small straw to pipette a drop of food coloring
·   Small, clear bottle with lid, 2/3 full of water
·   Memory game pieces
·   Pack of cigarettes

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