Standard 3: Resource Management

This lesson plan on Tobacco discusses the impact media has on adolescents.

10.2.9.E – Explain the interrelationship between the environment and personal health.

                The student will explain why teens begin smoking.
                The student will explain how the media influence teen’s choice to smoke.
I. How to be tobacco free
A. Why teens start to use tobacco
i. Tobacco – a false crutch
ii. They think it will help deal with stress
iii. A form of weight control
iv. Not an effective way to cope with weight or stress
v. Most new users become addicted very quickly
vi. Tobacco also reduces a person’s capacity for aerobic exercise
B. Tobacco: False Independence
i. Smoking makes some teens feel mature
ii. Some teens smoke in order to be accepted by their peers or to form a friendship
C. Tobacco and the Media
i. Many teens use because of the images they see in the media
ii. Tobacco companies spend billions of dollars on advertising or media messages to influence                         behaviors.
iii. Tobacco ads are designed to attract young people.
iv. Show tobacco user’s as athletic, fun loving, free spirits
v. Study by Surgeon General shows a direct link between tobacco ads and smoking
D. The tobacco Mask – smokers in advertising and the media do not show their real faces.  The         image of tobacco use in the media is just the opposite of reality.
i. Image: smokers are healthy, athletic, rebels, mature, and attractive
ii. Reality: Smokers are sickly, constantly short of breath, social outcasts, dependent on a drug, and             prematurely aged.
II. Surgeon General’s Warning – Health warnings placed on tobacco products that identify health risks.
A. Initial Warning – 1966
B. Surgeon General’s – First Time 1970
C. Examples of Warnings
        1. Quitting smoking now greatly reduces serious health risks
        2. Cigarette smoke contains Carbon Monoxide
        3. Smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, and emphysema
D. Selling strategies
i. Bandwagon – these ads suggest everyone is doing it or using it
ii. Card stacking – ads give one sided views of their products
iii. Down – home appeal – these ads show average people recommending the product
iv. Fact vs. Opinion – statements that are opinions that can’t be, or haven’t
v. Fantasy – unreal features and powers (giants, superhuman strength, and athletic prowess) are                part of the ad and become associated with the product.
vi. Humor – an ad that makes people laugh
vii. Glittering Generality – These ads use expressions such as great, the best. These claims have no             factual basis.
viii. Sensory – images or sounds in the ads are appealing to the senses
ix. Statistics – buyers seem to be impressed by statistics, but ads usually do not explain what study             or who did the research.
x. Testimonial – well known people claim they used the product and loved it
xi. Transfer – an attractive, sociable, sexy or well dressed person sells the product.  Buyers imagine             when they use the product, they will either meet or become like this person

        Introductory: (5 minutes)
       Welcome the class. Take attendance.  At The Bell question, “Explain why tobacco is addictive and how secondhand smoke affects children.  Hand back any student work during this time and set up the videos to be shown.  Go over at the bell question, and ask students who would like to share their answers.           
        Developmental: (35 minutes)
         Begin class by handing out an article on Smoking and tobacco.  Inform the students that they will read the article on their own.  When they are finished reading, they are going to sit quietly and wait for the rest of the class to finish.  After the entire class reads the article, the teacher will ask questions pertaining to what they just read.  Teacher will go over facts, why teens smoke, and how the media influences teens to smoke.  After going over the article go over the surgeon general’s warnings and have students write down information on their articles.  After going over all the information explain to students they will be creating an advertisement against tobacco use.  Before handing out the rubric show the Flinstone’s video of promoting     Winston Cigarettes, and the Truth videos that are against tobacco use.  and         After watching the videos, hand out the rubric and go over the project with students.  Place students into groups of three.  The students will be allowed the rest of the period to meet with each other and discuss how they are going to create their advertisement. 
      Culminating: (2 minutes)
          End class by asking students how far they have come on their project.  Next ask students what are some of the different ways tobacco companies use the media to influence you to smoke.  Have students collect their belongings and wait for the bell to ring.

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